Union Shadowbosses: 

Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind

By Malloy Factor who is an American pharmaceutical executive, professor, author, and media contributor.

SHADOWBOSSES reads like an organized crime novel, but it’s actually a true story of how labor unions are infiltrating our government and corrupting our political process. This compelling and insightful book exposes how unions have organized federal, state, and local government employees without their consent, and how government employee unions are now a threat to our workers’ freedoms, our free and fair elections, and even our American way of life. And, Mallory Factor reveals what’s coming next: how unions are targeting millions of Americans–maybe even you–for forced unionization so that unions can collect billions more in forced dues and exert an even greater influence over American politics. A chilling expose, SHADOWBOSSES is also a call to citizen action against those who really hold power in America today.

It provides an in-depth non-partisan study that clearly exposes how damaging the union bosses are to America. It is substantiated by over 700 footnotes and was a #1 best seller on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others. It has received very favorable reviews from many outstanding Americans, who consider it a must read for those interested in helping our country.

I  read a book that compared the actions of Soviet Union era apparatchiks (Communists) and how similar the Shadowbosses are to the apparatchiks.

Mallory Factor the author is a Professor of International Politics and American Government at the Citadel, he said “the Shadowbosses aren’t just bankrupting our economy- they’re also compromising our system of free elections.  The Shadowbosses use bought-and-paid-for politicians to help create legislation granting them unending benefits.  Together, these bosses and their paid-for politicians destroy all semblance of transparent and open government.  Want to know what happened to your country?  It was bargained away by our elected representatives, who were paid for lock, stock, and barrel by the Shadowbosses.” The following are just two of many important examples of how damaging the union bosses and the Democratic Party are to America.  

First, it took 260 years to build the City of Detroit into one of the finest cities in the world (founded1700 to 1961) and it has taken the union bosses and 9 consecutive Democratic mayors just 61 years to destroy that fine city (1961 to 2020).  The main reason that happened is the union bosses financed and controlled 8 consecutive Democratic mayors and their policies of incompetent management and corruption ruined Detroit.

 Here are a few examples of the damage that their actions caused: Detroit was the Arsenal of Democracy, it did a superb job in protecting America and the world, it’s industrial complex is now destroyed – Auto Capital of the World, 91% of those jobs are gone- A vast majority of the industrial and auto workers in Detroit who lost their jobs were union members, which clearly illustrates how the bosses and Democrats failed them  – Highest Per Capita Income of any City in America, to one of the lowest at a heart breaking $15,310 per year- One of the Best Public School Systems in the U.S., to one of the worse, now 47% of their adults are illiterate – Medium home prices are now $6,000, some sell for $10.

Second, our City’s Public School System used to provide our children with one of the best educations in the world.  It is now one of the worst of all the developed countries.  That happened when the control of our public schools was taken over by the union bosses.  They control the two national public school unions, which are the largest and the most powerful unions in America.  They gained that control because those bosses donated billions to the Democrats, who passed laws and instituted policies that allowed the bosses to gain that power.

Since they have taken control, the quality of our children’s education has taken a huge nosedive.  Even though America’s taxpayers spending per student for K through 12 and higher education is one of the highest in the world, along with having the smallest average class size.  Our kids now ranks #48 in the world in the quality of the math and science education they receive.  We used to lead the world in the number of engineers, now China graduates hundreds of thousands more engineers per year than we do, and 75% of ours are foreign students

The theme of the author is that the union hierarchs (SEIU, NEA, UAW, AFL-CIO, etc) run leftist politicians today–not the other way around. They call the shots and drive the Democrats agenda. Never was this more evident than over the one summer when the DNC turned to the unions to make up for the deficits they had in their funding: No unions, no convention. The unions made it happen.

Factor illustrates that when politicians don’t do what the union wants–the unions back someone else and that candidate loses in the Democratic Party primary. Which is what has happened to a number of politicians, which sends a clear message, play ball or else.

The union bosses of private sector unions are not helping America. However, because of Right To Work laws they have lost most of their  power. I helped get those laws passed. Their membership has plunged from a high of over 30% of the workforce to 8 %.

The public sector unions are another matter altogether. Their membership has exploded and they are using their power to get the politicians to take care of them. A good example is that they spent $778M of their members dues during 2021 lobbying, mostly for the bosses’ benefit. They were #1 by far in lobbying, the Pharmaceutical Industry was 2nd in the 300M range. And much of what they accomplished was not helpful to the taxpayers, which is crazy as the taxpayers pay these union employees,who then pay their dues. So the taxpayers are the ones supporting these Public Unions.  Also, the average wage these government workers receive from the taxpayers is much higher than the taxpayers earn.  It’s a complete scandal.

There is no better statistic in this book than the one revealing that hundreds of thousands of federal bureaucrats make over 100k a year in salary. That’s outrageous. They’re not public servants, but rather, public scammers. There’s no reason to overpay them as they steal liberty from us, and any president who was serious about solving the budget crisis would lower the maximum federal wage substantially.

Also, President Trump has promised to fire thousands of these deep state bureaucrats, when he becomes President in 2024.

This book is outstanding and an inspiration. We, the people, are the ones who should run the country…not the Shadowbosses. Let’s shine a light on them to educate  our citizens and that will free America, as it will destroy the Shadowbosses power.

It’s very important that we are blessed to have a “White Knight” called Freedom Foundation fighting for America. They are doing a wonderful job fighting these public union bosses and they are the only group doing the work of the Lord! Please check them out and support them @ https://www.freedomfoundation.com

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